Saturday, March 27, 2010

Still sick

Spring break is over. I spent it sick at home.

Bye bye Brookline!

To all of you who are wondering about summer plans, why not go to Ithaca and visit me? I will take internships and volunteer jobs in Ithaca through June and July.

I'll be home at the end of May and in August! See you then

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Im sick

It's spring break.

And im sick.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

First day home? Downtown please

Mama and I went downtown today. I'm setting up a mental list of things to shop for ;)

ANYWAYS, happy times at the farmer's market!

Avocados, 2 for a $1 anyone?

I'm home!

Stewart Park: Ithaca


It will look awesome once the willows grow their leaves, eh?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Moobaby Reproduction lab

Today we practiced rectal/vaginal palpation in cows and semen collection in bulls!

Let me tell you, bulls are SCARY. Big. Mean. Powerful. And scary.

I wasn't getting near those bulls.

The girls, however, were wonderful! Putting an arm up a cow's booty is great for some people and a nightmare for others. It was great fun, but the cow's got tired of us after a while.

But this moobaby was so nice! She let me pet her. That cow made my day. That's what moobabies should all be like~

Shout out to my peeps at BI!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sister came to visit!

Little Sister came to visit for the weekend.

Although it was a dreary and quiet weekend, she still saw pretty much all of Ithaca and saw a lot of campus too.

We had fun :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

The good weather is gone :(

We had such wonderful weather lately! But now it's back to normal.

How I miss the summer!

And look! The geese have been showing up this past week!



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