Alright, so for those who do not like when I get all nerdy about my birdies, please leave my blog now.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
This week has been great in terms of seeing species I've never seen before! I guess the combination of clarity (less fog than usual) and me being more bored while studying (so I look outside the window more often) brings me to see lots of new birds!
Unfortunately I didnt have my camera with me, but Google has better images than I ever could have taken so.... whatever.
First species of the week: American redstart!
Right after seeing a redstart, I saw a yellow-rumped warbler! I've seen him twice more since then. This morning actually.... he's so cute.
And the coolest bird: a pileated woodpecker! The largest woodpecker in north america! He's about the size of a crow. A little smaller. Still big. And he was loud too, I thought someone was using a jackhammer on a tree before I noticed him.