Sunday, January 10, 2010

Birds are depending on bird feeders, people!

Just a reminder, birds are depending on your bird feeders to get through the winter.

Juncos, my favorite winter bird! Wanna guess why? ........ Because they are the CHUBBIEST!

You think it's cold outside? Imagine what it's like for these small birds, that have to eat a lot and often to keep their metabolism up. They are outside all the time!

Fun fact: chickadees have a very amazing way of conserving their energy during the winter months. When they sleep, they lower their body temp to a low as 40 degrees! That way, they don't need to use as much energy to keep themselves alive during the night.

Squirrels might be able to take care of themselves. But they're still cute so tossing them some bread every once in a while will make you feel like a better person ;)

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