Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm home!

I'm home until the 30th!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bird nerd fest

Alright, so for those who do not like when I get all nerdy about my birdies, please leave my blog now.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

This week has been great in terms of seeing species I've never seen before! I guess the combination of clarity (less fog than usual) and me being more bored while studying (so I look outside the window more often) brings me to see lots of new birds!

Unfortunately I didnt have my camera with me, but Google has better images than I ever could have taken so.... whatever.

First species of the week: American redstart!

Right after seeing a redstart, I saw a yellow-rumped warbler! I've seen him twice more since then. This morning actually.... he's so cute.

And the coolest bird: a pileated woodpecker! The largest woodpecker in north america! He's about the size of a crow. A little smaller. Still big. And he was loud too, I thought someone was using a jackhammer on a tree before I noticed him.


Now that the weather is improving (slowly...), I'm spending more time outside!

Biology course FIELD TRIP!

I thought, yay field trip! But it was educational and involved a lot of walking so.... not so great.

But we learned some cool stuff that connected well with all the units we studied in the course.

Yes, those are actual trees growing in the green house! A cork tree is forward, a cocoa tree is behind it.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Llamas were on campus today!

Fluffy fluffy :)


Tis the season for BABIES!

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