Sunday, August 30, 2009

Orientation week explorations

Here are some of Cornell's wonders that I discovered during Orientation Week.

A good view of the program house dorms on North Campus. The HILC (where I live) is on the right side.

The secret to getting to the Animal Science classes (across campus from my dorm) on time is to take one of the many paths through Cornell's woods and Plantations.

Cornell also has several lakes and waterfalls. This is a picture of Beebe lake, which spills water into the main gorge on campus.

You MUST cross a bridge to get to your classes or to go off campus. You have to. There's no going around it. A big gorge cuts right through North Campus (residential) and Central Campus (where the actual classes are). Here is a picture of the car bridge, taken from the pedestrian foot bridge. See the gorge?

This is the main gorge. It's quite deep. This was taken on the foot bridge.

This is the same gorge after it rains! It sounds just like thunder and kicks up mist.

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